About Us

KIDZPROOF is a specialist send preschool offering an exceptional environment to ensure that every child can reach their maximum potential. Our children have access to an outstanding early years education adhering to all seven areas of learning where each individual child will be valued, supported and cared for in line with the six principles of safeguarding and provided tools to be resilient confident and independent.

We work closely with Thurrock Council Welfare Requirements Development Officer and the Preschool Area SENCo Officer to build on the foundations of the government's Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2

We are located in Proof House, a beautiful Grade II listed building, constructed in 1759, the five magazines and Proof House was used to test and supply gunpowder to the Army and Navy, being exceptionally busy during the Napoleonic Wars. Each magazine could hold 10,400 barrels of gunpowder which increased to 10,800 barrels in time of an emergency. The building is situated along the banks of the River Thames, which has been transformed with some pathways for walks along the riverside.

The property is set amongst a residential community setting, within walking distance to the local nature reserve RSPB site. Local facilities include, the Children Centre and Purfleet Community Hub, primary, senior schools, with a major shopping centre within a ten minute drive.

Accessible by local transport, bus and train.

KIDZPROOF curriculum will be based on the early years foundation stage and will allow the children to develop at their own pace, providing a balance between child - initiated and adult led activities both indoors and outdoors in our enclosed garden area, allowing them to explore and learn about the world around them, whilst promoting healthy lifestyles and engaging in physical activity.

KIDZPROOF will work extremely hard to ensure the staff team, parents and children are fully supported, protected and happy; maintaining a safe environment to the highest standards participating in a quality assurance programme, continuously evaluating, self-accessing and monitoring the nursery's progress. We aim to meet the needs of all children attending, this includes adapting our premises using mobility aids where required.

Our safe place is for our children to develop their personalities, talents and abilities irrespective of their ethnicity, culture or religion, language and communication, family background, learning difficulty, disability or gender.

Whilst we base ourselves as a family and recognise that parents and carers as the most important people in a child's life and aim to build strong links between family and home we absolutely fulfil the commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; ensuring that all adults working with the children, parents and visitors are confident to put our policies and procedures into good practice.

We will support our families to access all support or services available to them through government, professional or voluntary sector.

We aim to provide ongoing training to our team to ensure that they are familiar with any changes to government legislation regarding early years education and child safety in line with the SEND Code of Practice

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